In Beta Stage raising funds; Website & Platforms are under construction. Stay Tuned!

Patients First, Youths Next & Communities Always

Patients First, Youths Next & Communities Always Patients First, Youths Next & Communities Always Patients First, Youths Next & Communities Always

Are you sick of being in pain & discomfort ? Let us help make your life healthy and pain free.

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Plant a Seed: Care to Cure ?

Please Support, Encourage and  Join ALI Botanics in our crowdfunding campaign to help us in our mission to Care, Educate, Cure and Advocate  with RESPECT:

Reduce Pain and Balance Life 

Educate and Increase Awareness

Serve  and Advocate for Our Patients

Protect Our Youths and Our Communities 

Evolve with Collaborative Partners 

Comply with all laws and legislation 

Transform & Innovate using Fin-tech 

50% of all funds raised will go towards our Research and Development into Cannabis based medicinal products and services catering to cure or reduce pain associated with following medical conditions:

  1. Oncology (Cancers, Hep C etc.)
  2. Chronic and Rheumatic Pain (Arthritis, Glaucoma etc.)
  3. Gastro-Intestinal diseases and disorders (IBS, Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis etc.)
  4. Psychological (PTSD, Depression, Insomnia/Sleep Dépravation etc.)
  5. Neurological (Alzheimer's, MS etc.)
  6. Physiological Disorders (Autism,Epileptic Seizures ect.)

These proceeds will also support our compassionate care programs, education and awareness programs and our efforts in protecting our Youths; creating an opportunity for them through training and mentorship programs. 

Plant 1 Seed       $ 100

Plant 3 Seeds     $ 250

Plant 5 Seeds     $ 350

Plant 10 Seeds   $ 500

Plant 50 Seeds   $ 1000

Plant 100 Seeds $ 5000

Every Dollar Counts!

Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card

Cannabis? What? Why?

Cannabis: The Nature's Cure

Cannabis as a medicinal agent has been used for thousands of years as an alternative remedy/therapy in many civilizations dating back to 10,000 BCE. 

Cannabis has recently come in light and evidence gathered in recent studies suggests that cannabis and its therapeutics/ medicinal properties can be used to cure or reduce pain associated with many illnesses and disorders; reducing symptoms associated with, but not limited to the following medical conditions:


  1. Oncology (Cancers, Hep C etc.)
  2. Chronic and Rheumatic Pain (Arthritis, Glaucoma etc.)
  3. Gastro-Intestinal diseases and disorders (IBS, Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis etc.)
  4. Psychological (PTSD, Depression, Insomnia/Sleep Depravation etc.)
  5. Neurological (Alzheimer's, MS etc.)
  6. Physiological Disorders (Autism,Epileptic Seizures ect.)

Annual Cost of Pain: $630 billion+

According to our research, there are 1.5 billion people suffering from chronic pain around the globe, costing US $635 billion in days worked missed, hours of worked lost and lower wages; which is more than Diabetes, Cancer & Heart Diseases combined.  The Bio Pharmaceutical Cannabis Market is estimated to be over $190 billion dollars.


We are working towards developing web based platforms and other innovative solutions to serve our community of patients, protect our youths and help with creating socially responsible communities supported by our network of patients, health care professionals, collaborative partners, sponsors, governing entities and other stakeholders. 

These platforms will help shape the medicinal cannabis industry by:

  1.  Enhancing patient care management processes to improve access to care for our patients.
  2. Improving youth and community engagement through education and awareness.
  3. Using big data from clinical studies and clinical trials as a driver of change in decision making, policy development and patient care.
  4. Creating more opportunities for research, innovation and product development.
  5. Creating new jobs, promoting Canadian values, ethics and showcasing Canadian businesses, entrepreneurs and subject matter experts to the world.
  6. Encouraging dialogue and advocacy for patient’s rights, protection of our youths and safety of our communities.
  7. Addressing the shortfalls and challenges in managing public perceptions, legislation, governance and oversight.

Why ?

There are thousands of global studies being conducted currently:

  1. To develop and implement policies, programs and frameworks needed.
  2. To find efficacy of the cannabis as a safe and viable medicinal alternative in treating many illnesses.
  3. To develop public education and community planning strategies while managing perceptions, expectations and concerns of the citizens.
  4. To further research in to product and services development.
  5. To develop business and market strategies for new products and services.
  6. To assess impacts/benefits of recreational legalization.
  7. To enforce and control illicit market, misuse and abuse.
  8. To understand and project  market capacity and trends for economic growth and stimulation through job creation and new standards development.

Legalization & Industry Growth


Cannabis Act - Bill C 45

ALI Botanics is in full support of the proposed legislation tabled by the Federal Government of Canada under the Bill C-45 Cannabis Act and all related directives, legislation and framework for legalization of the use of Cannabis. 

The Cannabis Act empowers the provinces to set up policy on retail, distribution network, governance framework while ensuring educational and enforcement programs are in place ahead of july 2018.  Federal Government of Canada is spear heading the licensing and economic development efforts while municipalities are planning on their strategies of supporting the overall legislation; by drafting up by laws for adaptation into the community.


Market Size

Global Medical Cannabis Market: $65B

The Canadian Medicinal Industry has grown 15 times over past three years going from over 7900 registered users (Patients) in Q1 2014 to unprecedented over 200,000 patients registered for second quarter ending March 2017; on average consuming over 2.5 grams of dried cannabis a day with sales surpassing $1.5 billion dollars. 

The data indicates that the Canadian Cannabis market would grow at an unprecedented rate of 23% qtr over qtr for next Five years, and the market will continue to grow until reaching 8% of total Canadian population. ALI Botanics believe, the Canadian Medicinal Cannabis market size will be closer to $10 billion dollars, with global market size surpassing $65 billion dollars by 2025 with approximately 2 Million medicinal cannabis patients consuming average  2.5 grams per day. 


Competitive Advantage

In simple math, just in Canada, currently there are over 200,000 registered patients with Health Canada, consuming over 182,000 kg ($1.8 Billion dollars @ $10/g) of cannabis in and if considered the expected growth to 1.5 million patients in 2025, consuming over 868,000 kg  with $12 billion dollars at $10/g in sales.  ALI Botanics is well positioned and at the forefront of this lucrative industry, offering value proposition for our Patients and all of our Stakeholders. 

ALI Botanics is at a competitive advantage over any of its current or future competition as being one of the few early entrants in to cannabis industry in its niche and target market.   Our patients, stakeholders and angel Investors have the opportunity to make a difference, create new jobs, improve our future by investing in our youths and  capitalizing in this growing industry through ALI Botanics Inc.  

Registration Forms

Files coming soon.